How to make a small space look big
Don’t get disheartened if you don’t have enough space in your house to incorporate villa interior design to it because there can be so much done to make small places look bigger. Here we will share some cool ideas to make your dream come true with a small space but illusion of making it look bigger:
- Don’t forget to paint your ceilings as well. When you leave the ceilings bare, it makes it look shorter and gives the room a box like structure. If there are some fun and pretty murals over your walls, try to incorporate it in your ceilings as well.
- Don’t aim for darker colours because as pretty and cozy as they look, they absorb the light equally which is something a small room can’t afford. Try using lighter colours which will reflect the light across.
- The bigger the better and the less the more. Follow this rule when you are accessorizing your walls as too many scattered decorative pieces can make the place look small. Use fewer and bigger decorative pieces for the illusion of openness.
- Stripes are one of those patterns which can very easily make the space look bigger and taller. This is the reason that vertical stripes are suggested for people who are short heighted. Incorporate stripped curtains or rugs to give the same illusion to your room.
- Colour coding is everything. This is not only going to keep you occupied in the times of lockdown but it will also help you in having a sleek mesmerizing look to your whole place. Categorize books and shoes and even handbags in a colour coded manner.
- Incorporate huge windows to your room which will let excessive light in, this way the space will feel larger and the window will add an accent of beauty to it. Make sure you are filling up the space with light and not furniture.
- Glass pieces or material is something which gives a very sleek industrial look which is why you must always try to aim for it in a good way. Hang huge mirrors and use clear furniture which turnkey interiors always try to incorporate in their place.
These are hard times for the world to get through but remember staying indoors and decorating is probably one of the most fun ways to spend the quarantine.